In addition to her passionate and respected work in the field of psychotherapy, spirituality is also a crucial element in Dr. Sharon’s life. She is honored as:
* Ordained by the Abbey of Avalon as a Priestess of Sacred Wholeness
* Ordained as High Priestess of the Goddess Temple of Palm Springs
* Essentially informed by her Jewish roots, culture and traditions, including the “obligation” of all Jews to “repair the world”
* Legal as “clergy” in the State of California
* A 3rd Degree Reiki Master, trained under Diane Stein
* An Oracle for the Circle of Aradia
* A Charter Member of Congregation Kol Ami in West Hollywood, and,
* Liaison between the Association for Women in Psychology and their Jewish Women’s Caucus
Q. Were you always spiritual?
A. No. Because of early trauma, I felt devoid of almost all feelings for a long time, like I was a ‘zombie-child.’ I was religiously secular until maturity. Since my early thirties, I have enjoyed a profound spiritual connection to the ethnicity and traditions of Jewish people world-wide, my people and my heritage. My Great-Aunt Shirley Arenson was relentless in drawing me into the family, often against my will, and when I ultimately yielded, she gave me a feeling of love and family that I had not previously known. This opened me to Spiritualties that I still enjoy.
Q. How do you define spirituality?
A. I have various thoughts in response to this question: First, I define it only for myself, of course, because I believe everyone defines spirituality differently than everyone else. For me, spirituality is a deep sense of knowing and viscerally feeling a sense of a Divine Force that exudes goodness, peacefulness and deep serenity. When I feel that sense, I simultaneously feel whole, and of value to the world around me. I like to keep the feeling simple, available to all, and I maintain that the deepest spirituality is not ‘owned or special’ even for some who believe they are ‘spiritual experts,’ such as pastors, ministers, elders, rabbi’s or ‘ordained’ folks. I believe in spiritual equality.
Q. What is something that you still struggle with?
A. The grief of having lost my son when he was newborn causes me to endlessly examine the fact that although I am a mother, I am one who did not ‘mother’ a child. I am forever envious, honoring mothers as Great Warriors who ideally protect and defend their offspring 24/7. I also experience transference issues from my childhood; knowing but not always feeling the great love that is offered to me. Such a grand gift should not be missed. At times, although I am fully accepting that I am loved and appreciated, the intellectual understanding of it bumps against the wall that surrounds my heart when I am off-guard.
Q. How do you think spirituality can help others?
A. It is not for me to determine if spirituality can help others. It is for each to determine individually. Webster’s dictionary definitions [in brief and paraphrased] indicate “relating to or consisting of spirit, ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal; relating to ghosts or similar supernatural beings ….” Those ideas do not begin to touch my feelings about spirituality. I believe that having integrity, being as kind as we humans can be, being of service to others, and relating to life and human concerns as “sacred matters”, brings spirit to life as we know it.
Q. How does spirituality affect your everyday life for the better?
A. My everyday life is different every day. Some days my spirituality soars, and some days it sours. At its best, my spirituality leads my every word and deed.